While in 2017, when World War 1 raged through Europe, D.H. Lawrence published the poem «Autumn Rain», 113 years later we face the dreadful waves of Covid-19 raging through most parts of the world.

The plane leaves
fall black and wet
on the lawn;

the cloud sheaves
in heaven’s fields set
droop and are drown

in falling seeds of rain;
the seed of heaven
on my face

falling – I hear again
like echoes even
that softly pace

heaven’s muffled floor
winds that tread
out all the grain

of tears, the store
in the sheaves of pain

caught up aloft:
the sheaves of dead
people that are slain

now winnowed soft
on the floor of heaven;
manna invisible

of all the pain
here to us given;
finely divisible
falling as rain

D.H. Lawrence

© 2020, photos Uster and Goms
Note, the poem was slightly changed to modern circumstances

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