Zwischen dem 18.8 und dem 15.9.2018 experimentierte ich auf der Schossmatte (2’126 m.ü.M) mit dem Einsiedlerleben und hütete ein paar Fotos. Über Jahrhunderte bot das Hüten von Kühen auf de...Read More
Romania is full of small villages and historical towns. Sheep, Palinka (the local plum brandy) and touristic sceneries are the essence of life in the Romanian countryside and the people’s genero...Read More
Maramures county is the northern part of Transilvania in Romania where impressive wooden churches were constrcuted in the past two centuries. They were a response to the ban of the Catholic Austro-Hun...Read More
Das Alpenschneehuhn (Lagopus muta) liebt Strauchheiden, Geröllfelder und schneereiche Täler. Die Heidelbeesträucher der Schossmatte munden ihm besonders gut. Da es dem Alpenschneehuhn bei über 15 ...Read More
During the recent Covid-19 lockdown an African sacred Ibis (Threskiornis aethiopicus) visited the pond near Geschinen, a rather rare spotting of such a bird in Switzerland. It is believed that the bir...Read More
This bustling town at the black sea displays different building styles, from soviet architecture to modern capitalismwill be heavily affected by Sars-CoV 2 as all the new hotel complexes under constru...Read More